Online Teaching Materials on Sale
Cyber Monday is upon us again! Has it really been a full year?!? Wow! For those of you who might not know, black Friday is a retail event of sorts in the US, following the American date of Thanksgiving. It denotes when retailers can expect to be "in the black" (aka profitable!) in the lead up to Christmas.
Cyber Monday follows that as an online sale date that has evolved over the past decade or so. (Don't quote me on my historical accuracy here!) It's typically one of three huge sale dates at TeachersPayTeachers, also fondly known as TpT. Most sellers will be offering 20% off, and then there's a coupon code for an extra 10% off when you checkout!

The wonderful, the fabulous, the talented, the tireless Michelle of The 3AM Teacher blog has created a link up for some of the teachers offering this discount on their stores, to give us a chance to highlight our favourite products.
So, here goes... my favourite things in my own store which I urge you to check out (shameless self-promo!) - because you can get all three for UNDER $9 - are listed here. Click an image to go straight to the item on TpT.
I'm still in love with my latest big project, which centres around viewing the Warner Brothers Pictures movie Ant Bully in class. There are a ton of activities at different levels, which is great for differentiating. Do you have a split level class in high school? I think they will LOVE this! I've used it with my grade 7 & 8s and fine tuned it after it had been classroom tested (by myself & other teachers with whom I shared it).
I've used this product in my Core French classes for a number of years. It's very helpful at the beginning of the year, but could be introduced at any point, especially if you're looking to make a change & have students using French more in the classroom. Along with a student handout (that can be enlarged into a poster) there are several games & activities to reinforce their meaning and to get them saying the phrases. Repetition is key!
Ok, so maybe the Hunger Games movie & book furor is dying down a little, but there are sequel movies coming out! (Thanks Lionsgate & Suzanne Collins! I can't wait!) To be frank, I'm dumbfounded as to why this hasn't received any feedback. I love it, and my students really were excited about it and enjoyed the activities. I'd love it if you've purchased this from me and found it lacking in some way to let me know... the Contact form on my blog (or my email) is a perfect way to express dissatisfaction in a discrete way that a TPT seller can try to set things right for you!
Here's a final tip... you might want to set up your wishlist now to facilitate shopping once the site gets busy!
Why not check back in during the sale and tell me what your favourite find/purchase is - or was, if it's one you bought previously?
Cyber Monday follows that as an online sale date that has evolved over the past decade or so. (Don't quote me on my historical accuracy here!) It's typically one of three huge sale dates at TeachersPayTeachers, also fondly known as TpT. Most sellers will be offering 20% off, and then there's a coupon code for an extra 10% off when you checkout!
The wonderful, the fabulous, the talented, the tireless Michelle of The 3AM Teacher blog has created a link up for some of the teachers offering this discount on their stores, to give us a chance to highlight our favourite products.
I've used this product in my Core French classes for a number of years. It's very helpful at the beginning of the year, but could be introduced at any point, especially if you're looking to make a change & have students using French more in the classroom. Along with a student handout (that can be enlarged into a poster) there are several games & activities to reinforce their meaning and to get them saying the phrases. Repetition is key!