10+ Places to Get French Directed Drawings
I often hear French Teachers complain that there's so much fun stuff available in English. Why can't there be fun stuff in French too? Well, there is. You just need to know how to locate it! So go ahead and save this blog post right now wherever you keep track of your best teaching ideas, then finish reading what I have to say below. I want to share about a dozen or more sources of French Directed Drawing activities with you!
What’s a directed drawing?
If you haven't heard of a Directed Drawing before, let me explain. It's basically a Drawing Tutorial, typically a video, but it can be written and drawn out on printed paper as well. It shows you how to complete a specific drawing, often a simple line drawing. They're quite popular with students and can help boost confidence with the "I just can't draw" crowd.
When would I use one?
There are lots of times that Directed Drawings can come in handy. Here are a few ideas.
Art Class
Obviously, you wouldn't want your entire Art Program to just be Directed Drawings, but having a few videos in mind can come in handy when there's a single period in between other major undertakings. Whether you're a Core French Teacher or a French Immersion Visual Art Teacher, these video tutorials can also be a real saving grace when you need a day off school, but you don't expect the supply teacher to speak any French. This is a great way to incorporate some French, but keep things manageable.
Fast Finishers
You know those kids who are always the first ones done? They've completed not just this class's work, but everything else that you can think of to ask them to finish too? Well, plugging in some headphones and following a Directed Drawing video is a perfect way to give them something fun yet productive to do.
Fun Theme-Related Activity
Whether you're learning about animals in a Biodiversity or Environmental unit, or reading a Manga, you can probably find a related Directed Drawing to lighten the mood a bit, let's say on a Friday afternoon, while your class is in the midst of doing some real work. You could also include a French Directed Drawing to connect to any thematic unit or themed day that comes up at school.
Sometimes, kids just need a thinking break. Directed Drawings aren't the same as just going outside to play soccer, but they can fit the bill if the class just needs a lighter activity so that everyone can tune in to their own feelings a little bit more.