Michelle at Making it as a Middle School Teacher aka Making it (and smiling) had a great idea for a link up party, as we all prepare for a new year to begin. You'll notice that the oh so common weight loss and organizati…
Michelle at Making it as a Middle School Teacher aka Making it (and smiling) had a great idea for a link up party, as we all prepare for a new year to begin. You'll notice that the oh so common weight loss and organizati…
One intermediate-senior blog hop wraps up and another one is starting! It looks like Samiyah is my giveaway winner, and I'm arranging the prize with her via email. Congrats, Samiyah!! I love, love, love that so many new h…
I've stopped sharing my Christmas oral chain activity for free since my day of the blog hop is over. I hope those of you who grabbed a copy enjoy using it this year, and for years to come! Just a tip - you may want to take …
I'm SO excited to be a part of this fabulous group of teacher-bloggers. I hope you were able to check out Addie Education's post for Day 2 ! It's not too late to join her giveaway, even if you did miss out on the hol…
I don't know about you, but I was jealous of the blog posts and pinterest tips that I saw about keeping students' tables or desks straight. I'm not one to "zip tie" things together because I like to have my…
Cyber Monday is upon us again! Has it really been a full year?!? Wow! For those of you who might not know, black Friday is a retail event of sorts in the US, following the American date of Thanksgiving. It denotes when retailer…
Progress reports have gone home, and the first set of parent-teacher-student conferences are now behind us. Before we know it, the time will have arrived to be working on the next set of report cards. With this thought in mind,…
Have you benefited from the wealth of free and inexpensive quality resources that other teachers have shared in this increasingly connected world for the 21st century educator? I challenge you to join in on the activity! Before…
Guess where I stopped in during my family's summer vacation, to help get ready for a French Immersion intermediate level classroom this year? That's right! I visited a certain "Value" store! I looked…
Resource dollars are tight, as is time to cover the curriculum, and there sure are a lot of forms to fill out for educational experiences that take place outside of the classroom - especially if it involves significant trave…
Are you familiar with Manic Mondays on Classroom Freebies (a web site set up by Charity Preston, of the Organized Classroom Blog )? I made this post originally as part of that collaboration. Creating a free item worth sharing w…
My students were greeted back to the classroom this week with a diagnostic writing activity of sorts, asking them to reflect on their own summer experiences, so I thought it would only be fair for me to share a little of my own! …
This week, I'm participating in a blog hop and giveaway hosted by two fantastic middle school edubloggers, Krystal Mills of Lessons From the Middle and Ann Smith of Innovative Connections . Visit one of their awesome midd…