Showing posts from 2014Show All
What's "Authentic" about tasks in French class?

I've seen many teachers around me struggling to shift their thinking as it relates to having students perform authentic tasks in a second language class.  Most clearly understand that having a student fill in a "Conjugat…

C'mon in & Celebrate the Holidays with us

A group of fabulous secondary sellers have decided to list our stores, all participating in the TPT site-wide sale December 1 & 2, in one convenient place for you. (We round up around here, to account for the fact that there …

Bright Ideas "Best of" Round Up

For ten months now, Shelley Gray of Teaching in the Early Years has inspired a couple of hundred teacher-bloggers to share thousands of ad-free posts with great tips to our blog-reading audience once a month. She called this the…

Fall OMLTA Conference 2014

Well, it came and went...quick as lightning. The fall conference put on by the OMLTA each year in a different Ontarian community is just a single day, so it's a great single hit of PD and teaching energy. This year, the conf…

Giving thanks, with a sale

Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian teaching friends. Joyeuse Action de Grâce à mes collègues canadiens.  Some Canadian bloggers were chatting about how truly thankful we are for the opportunity to collaborate that TeachersP…