This has been a week of firsts for me with my new blogging adventure. Here are three new things that have happened...

My First Blog Award
Wow! I've been awarded the Liebster Award for new blogs by Addie Williams, a fellow Canadian teacher-blogger, who founded Teacher Talk. Thank you Addie!
image of Liebster award at TeachingFSL

The rules of the Liebster award are as follows. You must:
1. thank the person who awarded you.
2. link back to their blog in your post.
3. copy and paste the Liebster award button.
4. award 5 other bloggers that qualify (with 200 followers or fewer).
5. notify the ones you chose by leaving them a comment on their blog so they can do the same.

Drumroll, please.....
image of Drumroll in anticipation at Teaching FSL

The blogs that I'm giving the Liebster award to are:
1. Mademoiselle Lisi, a new French teacher-blogger in Ontario
2. Tammy Gaudun at Ontario Teachers Blog.wordpress.com/
3. Lessons from the Middle
4. Teaching Tweens
5. The Middle School Survival Guide

Blog Button to Link to FLS Teacher Resources More Easily
I also managed to put together a blog button that I'm reasonably happy with, after a couple of failed attempts. Check it out in the right hand side of this page. There is code there that you can copy and paste into your blogroll if you'd like to add my blog. I'd be sooo excited to hear from you if you do!

Thanks to this site for the code, and to Microsoft Word for the Word Art and drawing tools that I finally ended up using for the text and beret graphic!

My First "Guest" Blog Post
I am not certain if I am categorizing this "first" correctly, being so new to the blogging world! I am a contributing blog author to the Bilingual Teacher ClubHouse 2. (I believe the number signifies this is kind of an offshoot from the blog's original direction.) A teacher contact of mine started this blog to share bilingual teaching resources, however she is in the lovely United States of America, so her natural inclination was to think "English + Spanish = Bilingual" much as my first thought is "English + French." When I asked though, she broadened her site and added a tab just for French. See my posting about the Saint Patrick's Day freebie - a gift for your FSL students - that I'm offering at no cost for this week only!

So, is that really a guest post, or not? I'm uncertain if it counts if I'm an (ahem!) contributing author!