Today I have the pleasure of featuring an activity given to me by Heidi Raki of Raki's Rad Resources (whose literacy centres, math resources, word walls, and many other products can also be found at TpT and Teachers Notebook).


Mrs. Raki currently resides in Morocco and is learning French. (She has a few FSL products currently in her store, and is considering expansion in that area - please feel free to let her know if there's something you see that you'd like "en français" for your own classroom!)

My daughter opted to try out her "Kids Create the Test" product where students have the opportunity to write their own test questions related to something they've read. Of her own accord, she opted to write the potential test questions in French! Of course, maman is proud! It really is incredible to me that I am actually raising a bilingual child... even if the other one is still unilingual for the time being. But I digress... Back to Heidi's fabulous printable that ANY teacher can use in a variety of situations (and it ONLY costs a dollar). My daughter decided to make up questions about a Junie B. Jones book that she's recently read in French.  I think the English title is "Party Animal" although the title shown here translates as "breaks everything". I guess I can see the connection.

Sorry for the poor colour - just got a new computer and haven't reinstalled Adobe Elements for colour correction yet!

The good news is that my daughter accepted NO instruction from me WHATSOEVER on this project, which goes to show you how easy it would be to use in the classroom.  The bad news is that she would accept no instruction from me... so that means that the questions weren't necessarily as "thick" as I would have liked them to be.  This experience certainly would provide a chance to discuss what makes a good test question with a class.

There is room for three multiple choice questions, including their correct and alternate answers, and a space provided for the student to indicate what the correct answer is. I see this serving two purposes; first, a quick assessment will tell the teacher that each child understood certain aspects of what they read. Second, it makes things a little more efficient for the teacher should (s)he actually use the student-generated questions to create a multiple choice test.

My little second grade test-driver decided to write the answer out in full in the correct answer location, but I'm pretty confident that the 8th graders I teach would have simply written the letter corresponding to the correct answer.  Either works! 

It's always great to find a simple tool that will work in so many different settings!  Don't forget to pop by Raki's Rad Resources to see what other fabulous finds there are... there's sure to be something for everyone in her 400+ products!

Don't forget to hop over to her blog to see what her boys think of my French Animal and Insect Bingo.