Drop by Raki's Rad Resources to check out my first guest blog post - ever!

That's the thing I love about edublogging... so many new things to try, new people to meet. Even after almost a full year, it NEVER gets old! There's always another challenge around the corner to help me learn and grow. I'm offering an ESL freebie - the English version of my True/False questions to accompany the animated Warner Brothers' movie "Ant Bully" over there.

You can also download it directly, here (but I do encourage you to pop by Heidi's blog for some tips and other information to go along with it!)

My hubby has been telling me for months already that I ought to offer this. It's just hard to find time for everything! I'd like to get back to the 7 Habits' way of scheduling and prioritizing my to do list, but I just haven't even found the time to do that yet!

All teachers have overflowing to-do lists, I'm sure.  I'd love to hear how YOU prioritize!