Maybe it's spring and renewal and all that which has me thinking about "recycling" today. My school is introducing this year's Entrepreneurial Fair project to our grade 8 students (as part of Geography, but also media, French and with other possible curricular connections) and the emphasis in today's introductory presentation was on not spending a ton of money to buy materials to make their chosen product  but rather to be creative and inventive with selecting materials that could be reused or recycled.

Recycling Symbol Green Clip ArtThat reminded me that I recently came across this blog post  from BiblioBlond (who is Canadian, by the way!) which had me pondering.  This advice is intended for educators, and I suppose more specifically, librarians. How do we feel about students recycling projects from year to year?  How about recycling data/research... i.e. that which may have been compiled by an older sibling in a previous grade?

One of my students asked me this week if she could use something she'd already done to qualify for her "homework assignment" when I assigned my students to spend a few minutes sketching something at home to be used in the classroom.  In this case, I said yes.

On a somewhat related note, clearly I've been recycling the same background for my printable posters with French sayings to display in the classroom, but it makes me happy to have a unified and classic look to them.  I'm changing the font & colour scheme somewhat to make them distinctive from one another, and because I'm just plain fickle that way!

Here's a new one for you, translated from a popular saying in English. Hope you like it!