Winners of movie subscriptions & The Final Countdown
My Rafflecopter giveaway expired Monday at midnight. The TEN winners, as chosen through Rafflecopter are:
These people will be getting an email from me by tonight with their subscription information. Congratulations, everyone!
If you are a little sad that you didn't win, Heidi Raki of Raki's Rad Resources may be able to help you out if you hop over to visit her blog quickly Her giveaway rules are that you just have to be one of the first ten people to comment in order to win! (So easy... I wondered why I didn't think of that!?!)
Notice the kind of unattractive green box at the side of my blog?
I'm excited because it's under a month now until spring officially ends, which was essentially what they stated as meeting their current timelines (some time spring 2013... no more delays, they insisted).
I'm raring to go... ready to start figuring out how I'll address the supposedly massively revised curriculum expectations. How about you? If you teach French in Ontario (or other subjects for which the curriculum is also supposed to be revised), are you excited or dreading the coming changes?
These people will be getting an email from me by tonight with their subscription information. Congratulations, everyone!
If you are a little sad that you didn't win, Heidi Raki of Raki's Rad Resources may be able to help you out if you hop over to visit her blog quickly Her giveaway rules are that you just have to be one of the first ten people to comment in order to win! (So easy... I wondered why I didn't think of that!?!)
Notice the kind of unattractive green box at the side of my blog?
It's been there since the OMLTA Spring conference this year, when representatives from the Ministry of Education were in the unenviable position of facing a hall full of teachers - twice, as the opportunity was offered to elementary and to secondary teachers - to give the news that they could only share highlights of the French curriculum (which has been in the review cycle for FIVE years now) as it was finalized yet not yet approved for release.
I'm raring to go... ready to start figuring out how I'll address the supposedly massively revised curriculum expectations. How about you? If you teach French in Ontario (or other subjects for which the curriculum is also supposed to be revised), are you excited or dreading the coming changes?