Surviving the Chaos: Middle/High School Year End

My organization tip is write down ALL of your school-related passwords in your planner, or somewhere else that will be the first thing you need when you head back into the school (likely a week or two before you actually get PAID to start being there). Six weeks from now, you're really not going to remember all the idiosyncratic patterns for the dozen or so different logins... unless your board is MUCH more methodical than mine with these matters. And the IT department might get the larger issues sorted out much faster in September if they didn't have to handle 4000 calls for password resets.
Thanks for joining us! Twenty teacher-bloggers collaborated on this end of the school year celebration by donating a product to the Surviving the Chaos blog hop bundle.
Thanks for joining our end of the school year blog hop! We had a great turn out and gave away hundreds of prize packs! All good things must come to an end...the giveaway is now closed. However, our good old fashioned survival tips remain free for the taking!