Just a short and sweet post. I wanted to share an authentic audio resoure I found. It's called Microphone Francophone, and it's a radio program carried on multiple radio stations (but also downaloadable and streamable - kind of like a French podcast).

Check out its archives on Sound Cloud too. They're great because the show is positive, francophone culture-based and digestible, with episodes lasting only 15 minutes.

Some ideas to try with it:
  • assign listening to it as homework (sharing reactions in a class discussion, or small groups with accountable talk)
  • assign 1-2 minute segments of it with comprehension questions that you design
  • assign different short segments to different students... like a listening comprehension jigsaw
  • use it in class to model various listening strategies, and to help expose students to the cadence & rythym of real, authentic spoken French with different accents
  • use as the basis of a webquest (i.e. Quel est un synoymn de "chroniqueur"? Les personnes qui contribuent viennent de combien de pays? Quel animateur s'occupe aussi de l'environnement en France?")